Alexander H. Joffe

Alexander H. Joffe (born 1959) is an archaeologist and historian. Joffe graduated from Cornell University with a B.A in History and received an M.A. and Ph.D. in Near Eastern archaeology from the University of Arizona. He participated in fieldwork at Tel Miqne, Tel Dor, Tel Yaqush, Tel el-Hammeh, Beesheva, Tel Rekhesh, Megiddo, Ain Ghazal, and elsewhere. He has written extensively on Levantine Archaeology, weapons of mass destruction and environmental security, intelligence reform, nationalism, and cultural politics.


Recent publications

"A Tale of Two Galloways, Notes on the Early History of UNRWA and Zionist Historiography." Middle Eastern Studies 46: 5, 655-675. With Asaf Romirowsky.

Zion as Proxy? Three Jewish Scholars of Nationalism on Zionism and Israel. Working Papers, Leonard Davis Institute for International Relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (2007).

“Comments on the Case of Faust v. Finkelstein from a Friend of the Court.” Near Eastern Archaeology 70/1/: 16-20. (2007).

“Archaeology and Media in an Open Society.” Society 43/6: 71-76. (2006).

“American Jews Between Best and Worst of Times.” Covenant, A Global Jewish Magazine 1.1 (2006).

“The Rise of Secondary States in the Iron Age Levant.” In Excavating Asian History: Interdisciplinary Studies Relating Archaeological and Historical Sources in the Study of Pre-Modern Asia, N. Yoffee and Bradley L. Crowell (eds.), pp. 67-113. University of Arizona Press. (2006). Reprinted from the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient.

“Leaders, Leadership, and the Polar Night” Journal of International Security Affairs 8: 113-127. (2005).

“Athens and Jerusalem in the Third Millennium: Culture, Comparison, and the Evolution of Social Complexity.” Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 17/2: 247-267. (2004).

“Incorporating Environmental Considerations into Arms Control: Some Practical Considerations.” Disarmament Diplomacy 77: 18-22 (2004).

“Museum Madness in Iraq.” Middle East Quarterly 11/2:31-43. (2004).

Older influential publications

“Slouching toward Beersheva: Chalcolithic Mortuary Practices in Local and Regional Context,” in The Near East in The Southwest, Essays in Honor of William G. Dever, (B. Alpert-Nakhai, ed.), pp. 45-67. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 58. American Schools of Oriental Research. (2003).

“Early Bronze Age Seal Impressions from the Jezreel Valley and the Problem of Sealing in the Southern Levant” in Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse, (S. Wolff, ed.), pp. 355-375. Oriental Institute Press. (2001).

“Environmental Security and the Consequences of WMD Production: An Emerging International Issue.” Disarmament Diplomacy 54:16-19 (2001).

“The Gilat Woman: Female Iconography, Chalcolithic Cult, and the End of Southern Levantine Prehistory.” With J.P. Dessel and R. Hallote. Near Eastern Archaeology 61/1-2:8-23 (2001).

“The Environmental Legacy of Saddam Husayn: The Archaeology of Totalitarianism in Modern Iraq.” Crime, Law and Social Change 33/4: 313-328. (2000).

“Egypt and Syro-Mesopotamia in the 4th Millennium: Implications of the New Chronology.” Current Anthropology 41/1: 113-123 (2000).

“Area H, Stratigraphy and Architecture,” in Megiddo III, The 1992-1996 Seasons, (D. Ussishkin, I. Finkelstein, and B. Halpern, eds.), pp. 140-160. Tel Aviv: Ramot Press. (2000).

“The Early Bronze Age Pottery from Area J,” in Megiddo III, The 1992-1996 Seasons, (D. Ussishkin, I. Finkelstein, and B. Halpern, eds., pp. 161-185. Tel Aviv: Ramot Press. (2000).

“Dismantling Intelligence Agencies.” Crime, Law and Social Change 32/4:325-345 (1999).

“‘Disembedded Capitals’ in Western Asian Perspective.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 40/3:549-580 (1998).

“Alcohol and Social Complexity in Ancient Western Asia.” Current Anthropology 39/3: 297-322 (1998).

“Redefining Chronology and Terminology for the Chalcolithic of the Southern Levant.” With J.P. Dessel. Current Anthropology 36/3:507-518 (1995).